The Help Group’s Kids Like Me program is creating its own unique scout troop, unaffiliated with the Boy or Girl Scouts, designed especially for young people ages 7 to 18 with autism spectrum disorder and related challenges. The troop is being developed by Help Group professionals in collaboration with parents to specifically meet the varied and unique needs of the children we serve. Club meetings will be held after school at our Sherman Oaks Autism Center from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. with parent leadership and participation being important components. A wide variety of activities will be planned with a strong emphasis on nature, camp crafts, leadership, teamwork, as well as community service. Participation/achievement badges or pins will also be incorporated into the program.
We welcome parents to join us in this exciting new venture. Please contact Nicole Webb, Kids Like Me Program Director, for further information or to be added to the mailing list for updates on this program at nwebb@thehelpgroup.org
About Kids Like Me:
All children need opportunities to have fun, make friends, learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy a sense of belonging… That’s what Kids Like Me is all about!
The Help Group Kids Like Me programs, located in the Los Angeles area, are designed especially for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and other special needs. Children with special needs can benefit greatly from fun, recreational activities that encourage social skills as well as developmental growth.
Kids Like Me participants will enjoy a wide variety of enriching programs. Each child from preschool age to high school age will be engaged in structured activities facilitated and overseen by highly trained professionals.