At Advance LA we offer the answer to one of the most frequently asked questions by parents of teens and young adults with special needs, “What happens next?” We provide that much needed support that facilitates a greater level of independence for each of our clients based on their individual needs.
On their journey to increased independence many young people require additional guidance and support in order to be successful during this exciting but challenging time. Advance LA is dedicated to providing resources and support to teens and young adults with a wide range of diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, executive functioning difficulties, and other social/emotional issues. We focus on working with families and professionals on developing and implementing interventions that are practical, successful, and accessible.
Our services include:
- One-on-one life skills coaching
- A transitional living program located on a college campus
- Conferences and Workshops for teens, young adults, parents, and professionals
- Social and recreational opportunities
- College and career planning and support
Advance LA is committed to meeting the current and future needs of teens, young adults and their families, ensuring they make meaningful progress. Through our work, we hope to inspire personal growth and development, offer a sense of mastery and accomplishment, and allow the client to reach greater levels of independence
Visit the program website at advancela.org
Life Skills Coaching
Advance LA coaches work to support teens and young adults in a variety of ways and focus on helping them become more successful in all areas of life.
Some things we can help with include learning how to:
- Manage your time
- Get organized
- Manage your money
- Develop job skills
- Find and keep a job
- Make friends
- Get into college
- Be successful in college
- Ask for help when you need it
- Advocate for yourself
- Get motivated
- Live independently
We provide the supports needed for our teens and young adults to achieve success in the community. Whether it is at home, school, or at work, we come to you.
First we work with you to discuss your goals, then we assess your strengths, we make a plan, and start working with you out in the community. Throughout our time together, we monitor progress on your goals. Based on the information we collect, the team will come together to celebrate successes, as well as identify areas in need of improvement or attention, and adjust what we are doing to help you be more successful.
While our coaching sessions and the tools we use are often creative, innovative, and fun, they are firmly based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is an evidence-based practice that is often used in helping people achieve important goals. Within this framework, we focus on strengths and build on current skills while out in the community.
At Advance LA, we work as a team and value each member’s unique contribution. Team members may include all significant people in the person’s life. For example, the team may include the young adult/teen, family members, caregivers, therapists or other service providers, the coach, and the administrators of the program. When needed, the Advance LA team will communicate with instructors, dorm personnel, employers, service providers, and others in the community to gauge progress, share resources, and identify additional needs.
Club L.A.
Club l.a.is an exciting social community for young adults 18 to 35 who have social challenges. It provides a great opportunity to make connections with other young adults with common interests and is structured to ensure a positive experience for all participants. Club LA is part of Advance LA, which provides individualized support services including one-on-one life skills coaching and workshops for young adults who need support in their transition to adulthood. View our calendar of events at www.advancela.org/events or join our Meetup group at www.meetup.com/ClubLA
P2P Parent Support Program
Parent to Parent: A support network of Advance LA
P2P is a free monthly support group for parents of neurodivergent teens and young adults offered by Advance LA. The intention of P2P is to provide a safe space for parents and caregivers to connect with others dealing with similar issues. At P2P, participants can share struggles and celebrate successes of their young adult children whose transition out of the home is complicated by challenges related to ASD, ADHD and learning differences.
Parent group is held online, on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, from 6-7pm.
To sign up to join the group, please email the group facilitator, Kyle Kerfoot, at Kkerfoot@thehelpgroup.org.