Dr. Barbara Firestone, Help Group President & CEO, with a Bridgeport School student
On Wednesday, October 31 at The Help Group’s Sherman Oaks campus, students donned their Halloween costumes and went from
classroom to classroom trick-or-treating. The kids were delighted to fill their bags with so many treats and goodies. Fun was had by all!
“We are happy to offer our students a chance to go trick-or-treating at school. It’s a good time to practice social and communication skills. For some of our students, the practice at school helps them transfer skills to their community as they trick-or-treat with their family. For other students, this supportive setting is the safest place for them to explore trick-or- treating. While Halloween can be fun, it can also be a very overwhelming holiday for many of our students – with so many new faces, lots of social interaction and sometimes uncomfortable outfits and masks. Our goal is to help each child participate as much, or as little, as they would like,” said Sara McCracken, Director of Early Education, Young Learners Preschool at The Help Group.