The Help Group is pleased to announce the expansion of its Culver City Campus. In response to the critical need for autism services in our community, The Help Group is breaking ground on a new school and therapy building. This state-of-the-art facility will accommodate 200 more students.
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Gary H. Carmona; Councilmember Micheal O'Leary; Culver City Vice Mayor Jeffrey Cooper; Culver City Mayor Andrew Weissman; Councilmember Meghan Sahli-Wells; Councilmember Jim Clark; and Dr. Barbara Firestone
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Board of Directors: Dr. Barbara Firestone, Gary H. Carmona, Perry Katz, Ken Solomon, Joy Monkarsh, Richard Zelle, Dr. Susan Berman, and Dr. David Firestone.
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration The Entire Groundbreaking Team!
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration The Help Group Children's Choir
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Gary Cole at the podium.
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Louis Price
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Dr. Barbara Firestone and Steve Rose, President of the Culver City Chamber
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Culver City Mayor Andrew Weissman
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Dr. Barbara Firestone, Culver City Vice Mayor Jeffrey Cooper
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Culver City Councilmember Jim Clarke and Dr. Barbara Firestone
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Culver City Councilmember Micheál O' Leary
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Culver City Councilmember Meghan Sahli-Wells
The Help Group Culver City Groundbreaking Celebration Dr. Barbara Firestone and Carlene Brown